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Radioactive elements in rocks in the valley of the river Mtkvari
Author: Eremia TulashviliCo-authors: N. Kekelidze, T. Jakhutashvili, B. Tutberidze, M. Akhalkatsishvili, L. Mtsariashvili
Keywords: Radionuclides, rocks, river Mtkvari
In the present work it was studied distribution of natural and technogenic radionuclides in some rock samples selected in the valley of the river Mtkvari. Using method of gamma-spectroscopy 12 rock samples was studied. Up to 22 radionuclides were identified in rock samples. The main features and regularities of samples radioactivity were established.
Lecture files:
Eremia-Tulashvili-ENG [en]Eremia-Tulashvili-GEO [ka]