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click here to download Plenary Speaker list with agenda.
Conference Program
Department of Mathematics
- Mathematical Analysis
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Algebra-Geometry
- Differential Equations
- Mechanics
Department of Computer Sciences
Inter-discipline (Mathematics, Computer Sciences)
Department of Geography
- Hydrology, Oceanology, Meteorology
- Regional Geography and Landscape Planning
- Geography of Natural Management
- Soil Geography
- Geomorphology and Cartography
Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering
Department of Geology
Department of Chemistry
- General, Inorganic and Methalorganic Chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Chemistry of Macromoleculs
- Physical and Analytical Chemistry
Department of Biology
- Biodiversity
- Human and Animal Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Plant Physiology
- Genetics
- Morphology
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Applied Bio-sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Physics
- Elementary Particles and Quantum Fields
- Condenced Matter Physics
- Physics of Nom-linear Phenomena
- Plasma Physics
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Radiophysics, Physical Process Modeling
- Astrophysics