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Laboratory and Mathematical Modeling of Seismic Processes and Mass Movement
Author: Dimitri AmilakhvariCo-authors: levan Dvali
supervisor: Oleg Kharshiladze, Nodar Varamashvili
Stochastic Resonance in Duffing Oscillator
Author: lasha dalakishvilisupervisor: Associate professor Oleg Kharshiladze
Keywords: informational entropy, stochastic resonance, pink noise
Optical soliton propagation and interaction in inhomogeneous nonstationary media
Author: Oleg KharshiladzeCo-authors: K. Chargazia, J. Rogava, V. Belashov, G. Zimbardo
Keywords: Optical soliton, nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Right Hand Circular Polarized Antenna Modeling and Constriction
Author: Vakhtang BarbakadzeThe study of communication device's radiation impact on a homogeneous human model inside the car
Author: Tamar Nozadzesupervisor: Revaz Zaridze, Veriko Jeladze
Keywords: Base station; EM field exposure; car; SAR; MAS; human homogenous model;