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Optical soliton propagation and interaction in inhomogeneous nonstationary media
Author: Oleg KharshiladzeCo-authors: K. Chargazia, J. Rogava, V. Belashov, G. Zimbardo
Keywords: Optical soliton, nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Nonlinear dynamics of the solitons are very interesting due to their interactions. Analytically obtained solitons interact with each other in elastic manner. In this connection, an investigation of possibility of non-elastic relations is interesting. These problems correspond to soliton management problem, which is actual question in communication. Herewith, investigation of influence of inhomogeneities of dispersion and nonlinearities, non-stationary parameters on the solitons’ propagation. The problem reduces to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation of light field amplitude with spatial and temporal coordinates.
Lecture files:
Optical soliton propagation and interaction in inhomogeneous nonstationary media [en]ოპტიკური სოლიტონების გავრცელება და ურთიერთქმედება არაერთგვაროვან და არასტაციონარულ გარემოში [ka]