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Effects of the brain endogenous inhibitory factor on bone marrow cells
Author: Ekaterine BakuradzeCo-authors: E. Bakuradze, G. Mosidze, I.Modebadze, A.Kordzadze, D.Dzidziguri
Keywords: bone marrow, protein complex
3D/4D Dynamic of UBTF1 and UBTF2 during Nucleolar Inactivation at the Structural and the Ultrastructural Level
Author: Pavle TchelidzeCo-authors: L. Rusishvili, D. Ploton
Infrared spectral imaging and perspectives in cancer diagnostics
Author: Mariami MikadzeCo-authors: M. Mikadze, G. Ghibradze, D, Sebiskveradze, Z. Vadachkoria, D, Dzidziguri, O. piot
supervisor: D. Dzidziguri
Keywords: FTIR, Hemangioma
Study of regulation and spatial organization of spermatogenesis in adolescent rat
Author: Irina ModebadzeCo-authors: D. Dzidziguri, M. Mikava, Al. Kordzadze, N. Chaduneli, N. Papunashvili
Keywords: spermatogenesis, protein complex.
Major breakthrough in Life Sciences of XXI century
Author: Luka SanikidzeKeywords: CRISPR-Cas; Gene editing; Non-coding RNAs