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Hydrothermal Breccices of the Bertakari, Bneli Khevi and Sakdrisi Gold-Polymetal ore deposits
Author: Guga Sadradzesupervisor: Shota Adamia
Resuts of iqnological study of the paleogenic sediments of the ArThvin-Bolnisi zone.
Author: kakha koiavaLithostratigraphic and paleotological review of upper Miocenic deposits of Tetri Udabno's syncline
Author: Luka KokiashviliCo-authors: Alexander Tevzadze
supervisor: Rusudan Chagelishvili, Maia Bukhsianidze
Keywords: Lithostratigraphy, Paleontology, Miocene, Sarmatian, Eldari, Shiraki
structure of the goderdzi suite within goderdzi pass area
Author: Miriani MakadzeCo-authors: David Makadze, Nino Kobakhidze
Keywords: Goderdzi suit, volcanic breccia, flora
Remote Sensing Geology
Author: davit maqazdesupervisor: Bejan Tutberidze, Vaja Geleishvili
Keywords: Remote Sensing, Geology, ASTER, Exploration
Soil radon in the area of city Tbilisi
Author: Lela MtsariashviliCo-authors: Nodar Kekelidze, Gela Goderdzishvili, Teimuraz Jakhutashvili, Eremia Tulashvili
Keywords: Radioactivity, soil radon
სამცხე-ჯავახეთის /სამხრეთ საქართველო/ ვულკანური პროვინციის დიატომიტების საბადოების ასაკი და ფორმირების პირობები
Author: Bezhan TutberidzeCo-authors: M.Akhalkatsishvili
Radioactive elements in rocks in the valley of the river Mtkvari
Author: Eremia TulashviliCo-authors: N. Kekelidze, T. Jakhutashvili, B. Tutberidze, M. Akhalkatsishvili, L. Mtsariashvili
Keywords: Radionuclides, rocks, river Mtkvari
The Results of the Tiltmeter Observations at the Gravimetric Laboratory of Tbilisi State University
Author: guram kuteliaCo-authors: Evgeny Sakvarelidze
Keywords: Tiltmeter, Vere
Modern Research Methodologies for Geothermal Systems
Author: Nino KapanadzeCo-authors: -
supervisor: Doctor of Science in Geology George Melikadze
Keywords: Geothermal systems, Geochemistry, Geothermometers, Environmental Isotopes, Isotope dating
პლინსბახ-ტოარსული ბაზალტური ვულკანური კომპლექსის, როგორც მოსაპირკეთებელი ქვის ნედლეულის, მოპოვების პერსპექტივები მდ.ალაზნის ზემოწელში, ახალი გეოლოგიური მონაცემების მიხედვით.
Author: Karlo AqimidzeSedimentological-Ichnological Studies of Upper Cretaceous Sediments of Southern Part of the Kakheti Ridge: Preliminary Results
Author: Zurab LebanidzeCo-authors: Anzor Giorgadze, Tamara Beridze & Rusudan Chagelishvili
Keywords: Upper Cretaceous, Backarc Basin, Trace fossils, Ichnofacies
Gold occurrences of the Kirar-Abakuri ore knot
Author: giorgi xarazishvilisupervisor: Sergo Kekelia, Bejan Tutberidze
Keywords: Svaneti, monzodiorite, gold