
Gold occurrences of the Kirar-Abakuri ore knot
Author: giorgi xarazishviliKeywords: Svaneti, monzodiorite, gold
There is potential opportunity of gold deposits discoveryon the territory of Georgia, and first of all, along Svaneti ridge, at its western part, in particular, within the Kirar-Abakuri ore knot. Here are known ore occurrences, which by geological, mineralogical and geochemical features belong to gold-quartzlowsulfide deposits. Here, at endocontact zone of the Middle Jurassic montsodiorite gold-bearing quartz veins are located. Montsodiorite crosses sedimentary rock of so-called "Dizzy series" that has undergone regional metamorphism of the greenschist facies. Sedimentary rocks are characterized by strong disturbance, milonitization and folding. Here is also observed quartz-sericite-chlorite metasomatites and sulfide disseminations in sedimentary rocks. Directly in the contact zone of the Lukhra intrusion and the Dizi series quartz-biotite and quartz-biotite-andalusite association metasomatites are defined. In the apical part of the Lukhra intrusion three gold-bearing zones are revealed, gold content in one of them (the main zone with thickness of 14 m) varies within 8.89 - 7.48 g/t. The genetic conditions of Lukhra potential deposit formation are discussed. Gold distribution, and concentration in pore waters and sulfide minerals took place at metagenesis stage. Further, under the influence of the mantle plumes (apparently montsodiorites are derivates of plumes), gold-bearing environment was developed as magmatic system. Magmatic melt saturated by fluid moves to the upper levels of the Earth's crust, where in the result of the pressure and temperature drop vapor-gaseous mobilizate emissions. In the result of interaction of the mobilizate and metamorphogenic waters hydrosystem evolve. Over the time, it seems, in the Midlle-Upper Jurassic, flint-containing gel and sulfides discharged from the hydro system.