
Sedimentological-Ichnological Studies of Upper Cretaceous Sediments of Southern Part of the Kakheti Ridge: Preliminary Results
Author: Zurab LebanidzeCo-authors: Anzor Giorgadze, Tamara Beridze & Rusudan Chagelishvili
Keywords: Upper Cretaceous, Backarc Basin, Trace fossils, Ichnofacies
The study area is located within northern part of the Jinvali-Gombori structural-morfological unit of the Southern Slope zone of the Great Caucasus fold-thrust belt. Preliminarily defined by the authors ichnocomplex in Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Kakheti range: Belorhaphe zickzack (Heer), Cosmorhaphe isp., Chondrites intricatus (Brongniart), Ch. targionii (Brongniart), Halopoa imbricata Torell, Helminthopsis isp., Lorenzinia isp., Ophiomorpha annulata (Ksiᶏżkiewicz), Oph. rudis (Ksiᶏżkiewicz), Paleodictyon strozzii Meneghini in Savi & Meneghini, Planolites isp, Thalasinoides isp., Trichichnus linearis Frey - refers to deep sea Nereites ichnofacies. According to Santonian-Maastrichtian facies distribution and paleogeographic map (Tsagareli A.,1954, fig.33) during the Late Senonian northern part of Jinvali-Gombori structural-morfological unit represented deep marine depositional environment emerged with turbidite accumulation. The preliminary results of our paleo-ichnological studies completely match with this assumption.
Lecture files:
Sedimentological-Ichnological Studies of Upper Cretaceous Sediments of Southern Part of the Kakheti Ridge: Preliminary Results [en]კახეთის ქედის სამხრეთ ნაწილის ზედაცარცული ნალექების სედიმენტოლოგიურ-იქნოლოგიური კვლევის წინასწარი შედეგები [ka]