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Synthesis of new ruthenocene derivatives
Author: Avthandil KoridzeKeywords: ruthenovenes, derivatives, synthesis
GANB-matrix and Mathematical-chemical Investigation of ABn Type Molecules
Author: Mikheil GverdtsiteliCo-authors: K. Giorgadze
Arsenic(As)–silver(Ag), Arsenic(As)-gold(Au) Antibacterial Nanoparticles
Author: Marina GakhutishviliCo-authors: Jarosław Grobelny, Grzegorz Celichowski , Emilia Tomaszewska, Ewelina Mackiewicz
Keywords: Arsenic-silver, Arsenic –gold, antibacterial nanoparticles.
Antimicrobial hybrid materials based on nano and submicro Bioactive oxides and metals
Author: Nodar LekishviliCo-authors: Khatuna Barbakadze, Giorgi Lekishvili, Badri Arziani
Keywords: Hybrid composites, tribological properties, surface morphology
Mixed Ligand Pseudo-Halogen Acid-Complexes of Fourthly Substituted Arsonium
Author: kristina GiorgadzeCo-authors: Givi Tsintsadze,Tea Lobzhanidze,Ioseb Metskhvarishvili.Michael Gverdtsiteli ,
Keywords: arsenic-organic compounds, bioactivity, d10-elements, elementary analyses.