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Arsenic(As)–silver(Ag), Arsenic(As)-gold(Au) Antibacterial Nanoparticles

Author: Marina Gakhutishvili
Co-authors: Jarosław Grobelny, Grzegorz Celichowski , Emilia Tomaszewska, Ewelina Mackiewicz
Keywords: Arsenic-silver, Arsenic –gold, antibacterial nanoparticles.

Gold (Au) and silver (Ag) particles size of d=31nm were modified by Arsenic (As) nanoparticles to form promising novel antibacterial agents in advancements in anticancer activity.

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დარიშხან-ოქრო, დარიშხან-ვერცხლის ანტიბაქტერიული ნანონაწილაკები [ka]
Arsenic(As)–Silver(Ag), Arsenic(As)-Gold(Au) Antibacterial Nanoparticles [en]

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