
Antimicrobial hybrid materials based on nano and submicro Bioactive oxides and metals
Author: Nodar LekishviliCo-authors: Khatuna Barbakadze, Giorgi Lekishvili, Badri Arziani
Keywords: Hybrid composites, tribological properties, surface morphology
As a basic polymeric matrice for targeted hybrid antimicrobial materials polyurethane obtained by interaction 4,4-dimethylmethanediisocyanate with oligobuthyleneglycoladipinate by equimolar ratio foreseeing its physical, adhesive and presumable tribological properties have been chosen. For modification of selected polyurethane oligoorganosiloxanes containing side functional groups (amino- and hydroxyl groups) at silicon atoms have been used. Namely: a) Poly[dimethylsiloxane-co-(3-aminopropyl)methylsiloxane: b) Bis(hydroxyalkyl)oligodimethylsiloxane: Based on above mentioned modified polymeric matrice and bioactive components (nano and submicro Sb2O3, As2O3 ZnO and Ag) inorganic-organic antimicrobial hybrid composites have been elaborated. The thermo physical (DSC, TGA analyses) tribological (resistance towards scratch, dynamical friction and wear), hydrophobicity and surface morphology of the obtained inorganic-organic antimicrobial hybrid materials have been studied.
Lecture files:
ANTIMICROBIAL HYBRID MATERIALS BASED ON NANO AND SUBMICRO BIOACTIVE OXIDES AND METALS [en]ანტიმიკრობული ჰიბრიდული მასალები ნანო და სუბმიკრო ბიოაქტიური ოქსიდების და მეტალების ბაზაზე [ka]