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Poti Sea Port (PSP) APM Terminals Protective Breakwater Rehabilitation Works
Author: Nodar TsivtsivadzeCo-authors: Lamzira Lagidze, Nargizi Motsonelidze, Giorgi Ivanovi, Nino Paichadze
Keywords: terminal, consolidation, erosion, cubipode.
Effects of Climate Change on Black Sea Biodiversity
Author: Giorgi Khomasuridzesupervisor: Lamzira Laghidze
Keywords: Climate Change, Black Sea, Biodiversity
Hydro energy use of river Ajaristskali and its changeability scale
Author: Zurab Khomasuridzesupervisor: Assoc.Prof. Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: Hydro energy use, changeability scale
Measure of hydrological regime of rivers for sports events
Author: Demetre Modebadzesupervisor: Prof. Davit Kereselidze
Keywords: hydrological regime, sports events, assessment
Comparative Analysis of Hydro Meteorological Regimes in Svaneti and Guria Regions on the example of River Watersheds using NASA and ESA data
Author: Nika Tsitelashvilisupervisor: Assoc.Prof. Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: Hydrometeorological Regime, Data, Analysis
Using of environmental isotopes and hydrochemical application for aassessment water resources of Karstic aquifer of the Grate Caucasus for an improved drinking water supply of Kakheti region
Author: sopio vepkhvadzeCo-authors: George Melikadze,Mariam Todadze,Peter Malik
supervisor: George Melikadze
Keywords: Isotopes, hydrochemistry, Karst
Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Decline on global climate
Author: nano nanka123supervisor: Marian elizbarashvili
Keywords: Arctic Sea Ice, Climate change
The dynamics of precipitations change in the background of climate change (Black Sea coastline)
Author: Lamzira LaghidzeCo-authors: Lia Matchavariani, Nodar Tsivtsivadze, Nana Paichadze, Nargizi Motsonelidze, Giorgi Xomasuridze
Keywords: climate change, precipitation, coastline, volnurability
Calculation of maximum discharges of rivers freshetson the model of the riv. Vere
Author: Merab AlaverdashviliCo-authors: Giorgi Bregvadze, Nunu Tsintsadze, Nana Kokaia, Darejan Kiknadze, Nestan Khufenia
Keywords: Catastrophic flood, mud-stream, reservoir
„Blue Growth“ – sustainable application of marine resources for economic development (challenges for Georgia)
Author: Kakhaber BilashviliCo-authors: Valrian Melikidze, Vazha Trapaidze, Giorgi Meladze
Keywords: „Blue Growth“, marine resources, sustainable development
Some aspects of water stream velocity assessment in case of maximum discharges at Georgian rivers
Author: Giorgi BregvadzeCo-authors: Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: maximum discharge, stream velocity
Modeling of water erosion processes
Author: Davit KereselidzeCo-authors: Vazha Trapaidze, Giorgi Bregvadze
Keywords: ჭater erosion, Modeling
Trends of environmental flow calculation at Georgian rivers
Author: Vazha TrapaidzeCo-authors: Davit Kereselidze, Kakhaber Bilashvili, Giorgi Bregvadze, Irakli Megrelidze
Keywords: environmental flow, hydrological characteristics