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Isolation of flavonoid extract from Georgian Citrus sinensis peel and some of its properties
Author: Nika AtanelovCo-authors: Nana Koshoridze, Giorgi Burjanadze, Giorgi Kuprava, Nino Arutinashvili
supervisor: Nana Koshoridze
Keywords: Flavonoids, Psycho-emotional stress, antioxidant systems, Energy metabolism
Neurodegenerative diseases and flavonoids
Author: Mariam Shengeliasupervisor: Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor Nana Koshoridze;
Keywords: Flavonoids, neurodegenerative diseases, neuroprotection, cognitive functions
The dependence of properties of prostate tissue galactose-specific lectins on gland pathology
Author: Elene DavitashviliCo-authors: Elene Davitashvili, Nunu Mickevich, Tamar Tsercvadze, Marine Koshoridze
Keywords: prostate, mitochondrion, cytoplasm, galactose-specific lectins, cell survival, apoptotic cells
Long-term psycho-emotional stress induced changes in Na+/K+-ATPase Activity and the Influence of Creatine
Author: Ketevan MenabdeCo-authors: Ketevan Menabde, George Burjanadze, Mariam Shengelia, Nana Koshoridze
Keywords: Circadian rhythm, antioxidant system, oxidative stress, hippocampus, creatine
Study some of the properties of flavonoid extract separated from the Georgian orange-peel
Author: Nana KoshoridzeCo-authors: Nana Koshoridze, Giorgi Burjanadze, Nika Atanelov, Giorgi Kuprava, Nino Arutinashvili
Keywords: Flavonoids, Psycho-emotional stress, Antioxidant system