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Desertification - soil degradation factor
Author: Salome LomidzeCo-authors: Salome Lomidze
supervisor: Beso Kalandadze
Keywords: Desertification, degradation.
Peculiarities of olive distribution in dry subtropical arid zone of East Georgia
Author: Tinatin Archvadzesupervisor: Besik Kalandadze
Keywords: olive, ground, climate, industrial
The Forecast of Quantity Characteristics of Soil Erosion Processes Running on the Vulnerability Slope existed in the River Gldaniskhevi Basin and Working out on Managing Mechanisms for Eroded Section
Author: Irina KhubulavaKeywords: soil erosion, vulnerable slope, geo mat
Environmental Degradation Risks in South Caucasus on the Background of Pollution with POPs and OCPs, their Monitoring and Strategy to Reduce Them
Author: besik kalandadzeCo-authors: Rolf Duering, Daniela Lude, Filipp Veller, Elbei Babaev, Ilia Kalandadze
Keywords: Environment, soil, water, pesticides
Agro-ecological conditions of organic farming in the highlands of Georgia
Author: Maia MeladzeKeywords: organic farming, agro-ecological zone, crops
Soil Contamination Problem in Montana, USA
Author: Marika Avkopashvilisupervisor: Lia Machavariani
Keywords: Mining, contamination, heavy metals
Mining Industrial Pollution Survey in Kvemo Kartli
Author: Marika Avkopashvilisupervisor: Lia Machavariani
Keywords: Mining, contamination, heavy metals, Cadmium, Lead
Methods for Reservoirs Conflict Problems Solution on the Climate Warming Background
Author: Lia MatchavarianiCo-authors: G. Metreveli, L. Lagidze, N. Paichadze, D. Svanadze, Z. Gulashvili, G. Bregvadze
Keywords: Accumulative terrace, Silting prism, River bed drift, Equilibrium channel