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The ways for obtaining an ultrahigh vacuum and to apply it for solid state surface research
Author: Giorgi TakadzeCo-authors: Davit Quparashvili, Otar Taboridze, Nugzar Mosulishvili, Nino Tsiskarishvili
supervisor: Ramaz Lomsadze, Malkhaz Gochitashvili
Keywords: ultrahigh vacuum, analizer, duoplazmatron
Charge-exchange, Ionization and Excitation processes in Na+, K+ - Ne, Kr, Xe collisions
Author: Ramaz LomsadzeCo-authors: Malkhaz Gochitashvili, Nugzar Mosulisvili and Roman Kezerashvili
Keywords: Charge Exchange, Ionization, Excitation, Inelastic Processes
Study features of the NaI (TL) scintillating and geiger detectors
Author: Valeri KikvadzeCo-authors: Georgi Ivanov
supervisor: Malkhaz Gochitashvili, Vladimer Jashi
Keywords: Gamma and beta radiation, detector, geiger counter
Comparative analysis and characteristics of scintillation NaI (Tl) and semiconductor Ge detectors on multichannel gamma -spectrometers
Author: Malkhaz GochitashviliCo-authors: Nugzar Gubadze, Vladimer Jashi, Valeri Kikvadze, Georgi Ivanov
Keywords: gamma- radiation, detector, radioactivity