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The ways for obtaining an ultrahigh vacuum and to apply it for solid state surface research
Author: Giorgi TakadzeCo-authors: Davit Quparashvili, Otar Taboridze, Nugzar Mosulishvili, Nino Tsiskarishvili
Keywords: ultrahigh vacuum, analizer, duoplazmatron
The work deals with secondary ions mass-spectrometric equipment of for the study of solid state surface rehabilitated at the Atomic Physics Laboratory. The pumping procedure is based on the five different working principle to provide a high vacuum. For thys different vacuum pumps were used: low vacuum pump, diffusion pump, zeolite pump , magnetic discharge and sublimation pumps. Resulting pressure is reached about 8.10-10 torr. In this report focus will be on the working principle of the last three high vacuum pumps and facilities of research