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Combined method for solving The knapsack problem
Author: Lela AlkhazishviliKeywords: Knapsack problem, genetic algorithms, dynamic programming.
Modified Version of the Hill's Algorithm
Author: Tsezari MsjvenieradzeApplications of Category Theory to Computer Science
Author: Revaz KurdianiKeywords: computer sciences, category theorye
Open Exposition Problems in Modern Science and Education
Author: Alexander GamkrelidzeImplementation of Graph using Object Oriented Programming language - c++
Author: Giorgi Berozashvilisupervisor: Lela Alkhazishvili
Keywords: Graph theory, Graphs, Implementation
Some Applications of Multicriteria Partitioning Problem
Author: Bezhan GhvaberidzeKeywords: Multicriteria optimization, Partitioning problem, Routing problem, Facility location problem.
Steps towards quantum computing
Author: Guram KashmadzeCo-authors: Guram Kashmadze
Keywords: qubit, quantum superposition, quantum entanglement.