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Separation of enantiomers of chiral sulfoxides with chloro-methyl-substitued tris- phenylcarbamate of cellulose as chiral selectors in high-performance liquid chromatography
Author: natia shashviashviliCo-authors: Mari-luiza Konjaria
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: ქირალური სელექტორი, ქირალური სულფოქსიდი, მოძრავი ფაზა
Study of electrical conductivity of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate and sodium cholatemixed reverse microemulsions
Author: ketevani nanobashvilisupervisor: Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Marina Rukhadze
Keywords: sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate, sodium cholate, percolation
Physicochemical study of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate mixed reverse microemulsions
Author: Marina RukhadzeKeywords: Water in Oil Microemulsions, Mixed Microemulsions, Ionic and Nonionic Surfactants
SMART|AtmoSim_LAB fisrt results
Author: Giorgi JibutiCo-authors: Bezhan Chankvetadze, Franz Rohrer
Keywords: SMARTLAB, AtmoSim, atmospheric pollutants
Study of influence of aqueous perecentage on enantioseparation of chiral triazoles by novel polysaccharide chiral seectors
Author: nino kobakhidzeChemistry and Medicine
Author: Teona Gogatishvilisupervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Quantum chemical description of a proton transfer in chemical and biochemical molecular systems
Author: Jumber KereselidzeCo-authors: Giorgi Mikuchadze, Lia Bobokhidze
supervisor: Jumber Kereselidze
Keywords: Proton transfer, lacam-lactim and amino-imine tautomerism, density functional theory
Narcotic Substances
Author: Maia Gegenavasupervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Separation of chiral sulfoxides with chloro substituted chiral selectors in High performance liquid chromatography and synthesis of 2-(4-methylbenzylsulfinyl) benzmide
Author: mari-luiza KonjariaCo-authors: Natia Shashviashvili
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetatdze
Keywords: Sulfoxides, chiral selector, separation factor.
Purification of Sewage Contaminated by Oil Products Using Mesoporous Coal
Author: Elene GvazavaCo-authors: Nino Maisuradze, Irma Samkharadze
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: Sorption, Mesoporous, Oil Products
Enantioseperation of the novel chiral sulfoxides on superficialy porous silica polysacharide-based chiral columnes in high performance liquid chromatography.
Author: nana khundadzeCo-authors: Salome pantsulaia. Rusudan kakava
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: fast separations, short columns, Van Deemter curves, novel chiral sulfoxides
enantioseparation of chiral sulfoxides using chiral chromatography columns made with totally porous particles in ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
Author: salome pantsulaiaCo-authors: Nana Khundadze, Rusudan Kakava
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: sulfoxides, enantioseparation, fast separations, core-shell, fully porous, short columns
Biodegradable materials
Author: Nino Giorgadzesupervisor: Natela Ananiashvili
Keywords: biodegradable material, landfill, polymer, polyethylene, residual
Separated forms of sulfur in Tkibuli hard coal
Author: Nino TakaishviliCo-authors: G. Supatashvili, N.Labartkava
Keywords: hard coal, sulfur
To the question of homogeneous inhibition of flame propagation
Author: George BezarashviliCo-authors: Lali Gurchumelia
Keywords: combustion, inhibition, fire-extinguishing powders