
Narcotic Substances
Author: Maia GegenavaAnnotation:
Drug is a "black plague" of the XX century. Unfortunately, this illness has walked in Georgia too. The fight against drug abuse requires great effort not only from the law enforcement agencies but also from our community. The main groups of narcotics are: natural drugs, semi-synthetic drugs, synthetic drugs. Therefore, drug addiction is always a disaster for society and its members. Misuse of components containing narcotic drugs and drugs leads to the loss of human health and life on the one hand, and on the other hand the intentional commitment of other offenses with the interest to buy drugs. All this leads to very severe social and legal consequences. Literature: 1.Drugs of abuse. Balinger J.T. , Shugar G. J. Handbook 1990 2. International Symposium on the Forensic Aspects of controlled substances. 1988 3. Starke E. G. C. Isolation and Identification of drugs. The Pharmaceutical press 1999
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ნარკოტიკული საშუალებები [ka]Narcotic Substances [en]