
enantioseparation of chiral sulfoxides using chiral chromatography columns made with totally porous particles in ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
Author: salome pantsulaiaCo-authors: Nana Khundadze, Rusudan Kakava
Keywords: sulfoxides, enantioseparation, fast separations, core-shell, fully porous, short columns
In this study two types of silica particles, fully porous and superficially porous particles were modified with a polysaccharide-based chiral selector. The main goal of this preliminary study was to separate enantiomers of novel chiral sulfoxides with the shortest possible analysis time and high efficiency, using chiral stationary phases prepared by coated cellulose tris (4-chloro-3-methylphenylcarbamate) on totally porous and core-shell type silica. These materials were evaluated for the separation of enantiomers in ultra-high performance liquid chromatography.. Accomplishing ultrafast seperations in high performance liquid chromatography method requires higher flow rates, lower backpressures and shorter columns. Consequently, the column packing quality is important, too. We have studied novel chiral sulfoxides with varying flow rates of mobile phase from 0.1 to 5 ml per min. The results presented in this study clearly show that using these new chiral columns it is possible to achieve baseline separations of novel sulfoxide enantiomers with the analysis time below than 1 minute.
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ზოგიერთი ახალი ქირალური სულფოქსიდის ენანტიომერების დაყოფა ზემაღალი ეფექტურობის სითხურ ქრომატოგრაფიაში მთლიანად ფოროვანი და ზედაპირულად ფოროვანი ტიპის ქირალური სტაციონალური ფაზების გამოყენებით [ka]