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First hitting times for general non-homogeneous 1d diffusion processes
Author: Davit Gogolashvilisupervisor: Malkhaz Shashiashvili
Keywords: Hitting times, killed processes, Fokker-Planck equation
Extended weak maximum principles on unbounded domains
Author: Tina Mgeladzesupervisor: Malkhaz Shashiashvili, Jemal Rogava
Keywords: weak maximum principle, unbounded domain, linear parabolic operator
investigation of convex-concavity of polygons compiled by randomly plotted dots on a plane
Author: Giorgi KhomerikiOn the Estimation of the Odds-Ratio Based on Kernel Estimates of the Regression Function
Author: Petre BabiluaCo-authors: Elizbar Nadaraya, Mzevinar Patsatsia
Keywords: odds-ratio, consistency, limit distribution, kernel estimate, uniform convergence
On the Walverton-Wagner Estimate of a Distribution Density
Author: Elizbar NadarayaCo-authors: Petre Babilua
Keywords: Distribution density, goodness-of-fit test, power, consistency, limit distribution
Integral representation of Wiener functional of a difference of arguments
Author: Omar PurtukhiaKeywords: Wiener functional, Clark-Ocone formula, Malliavin (stochastic) derivative, integral representation.
Local time of Brownian motion and the Tanaka formula
Author: Anano Basilaiasupervisor: Malkhaz Shashiashvili
Nonlinear Volterra Integral equation for the Early Exercise Boundary
Author: Malkhaz ShashiashviliCo-authors: Besarion Dochviri, Giorgi Lominashvili
Keywords: Volterra Integral Equation, The Early Exercise Boundary for the American Option
Recovery of a quantile function via moments
Author: Aleksandre SborshchikoviOn One Probabilistic Model of a Biochemical Reaction
Author: Besarion DochviriCo-authors: Jaoshvili V., Khechinashvili Z.
Keywords: Reaction, Reagent, Probabilistic model.