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Determination of magnetic characteristics of nanoparticles by low- temperature calorimetry methods
Author: romani abramishvilisupervisor: Full Professor: Archil Ugulava
Keywords: nanoparticle, Mechanical anisotropy, superparamagnetism.
Entanglement dynamics of two three level atom (nitrogen vacancy centers) coupled by a nanomechanical resonator
Author: Zaza ToklikishviliCo-authors: L Chotorlishvili, S K Mishra, S Stagraczynski, M Schüler,A.R.P.Rau and J Berakdar
Keywords: Entalglement, nanomechanical resonator, nitrogen vacancy centers
Peculiarities of the Process of Magnetization of Nanoparticles at Temperatures
Author: Archil UgulavaCo-authors: S. Chkhaidze, R. Abramishvili
Keywords: superparamagnetism, magnetic nanoparticles, nanomaterials
Interpolation Formula for Magnetization of the Magnetic Nanofluid
Author: Simon ChkhaidzeCo-authors: A. Ugulava, G. Mchedlishvili, R. Abramishvili
Keywords: superparamagnetism, magnetic nanoparticles, nanomaterials