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Synthesys of Peptides via Ugi Reaction with some heteroaromatic aldehyde and S-4-methoxyphenyl ethylamine as amine
Author: elene katsadzeCo-authors: Sh. Samsonyiaa, Uli Kazmaierb
Keywords: Ugi reaqtion, peptide
Annotation: Peptides are found in all living organisms. They control biochemical and physiological processes in the organisms. A multicomponent reaction (MCR) such as Ugi reaction provides a linear, peptide-like adduct. Influence of a solvent on the yield of reaction products and stereoselectivity is studied in the Ugi reaction [1-3].
Lecture files:
Synthesys of Peptides via Ugi Reaction with some heteroaromatic aldehyde and S-4-methoxyphenyl ethylamine as amine [en]უგის რეაქცია ზოგიერთი ჰეტეროარომატული ალდეჰიდისა და (S)-4–მეთოქსიფენილეთილამინის გამოყენებით [ka]