
Trions and Biexcitons in Nanowire
Author: Tamar TchelidzeCo-authors: Z. Machavariani, R. Kezerashvili, B. Beradze
A theory of the trion and biexciton in one-dimensioal nanowire in the framework of effective-mass model using Born-Openhaimer approximation is presented. We consider the formation of trions and biexcitons under the action of both the lateral confinement and the localization potential. The analytical expressions for the binding energy and eigenfunctions of the trion and biexciton are obtained and expressed by means of matrix elements of effective one-dimensional cusp-type Coulomb potentials which parameters are determine self-cosistantly by employing the same eigenfunctions of the confined electron and hole states. Our calculations for the ZnO cylindrical shape nanowire show the trion and biexciton binding energy in nanowires are the size-dependent. It is shown that for the same input parameters the biexciton binding energy in nanowires is always larger than the binding energy of the trion.