
Geomorphological assessment of the Imereti rivers gorges
Author: mariami jafoshviliKeywords: River valleys, Erosive valleys, Canon Valley
Title: Geomorphological assessment of the Imereti rivers gorges Mariam Japoshvili Email: Department of Geography, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 0179, Tbilisi, I.chavchavadze ave. Establishment of Imereti relief is important for river valleys, which were evaluated in 2017 by student project "proeqti" b and their tourism potential was identified. The river valleys are distinguished with unique panoramic views that make tourists interesting and attractive, in case of arrangement of appropriate infrastructure in the gorges. With the help of zipline in some of the river gorges, it is possible to develop extreme tourism. These objects are unfortunately not widely known for the general public, and they are essential for their polling and arranging route routes to local migrants as local and foreign tourists. They are also intertwined by geomorphological, within the limits of various lithological compositions and tectonic structures, and therefore have morphological gravity of the valley, although the morphological types of erosive, narrow, V-ray and canyonic gorges are dominated by the high reliability of mountainous terrain. The river valleys of Imereti are: Kvirila, Tskaltsitela, Dzusa, Rioni, Tsitskistskali, Dzirula, Jruchula, Dumala, Chkerimela, Bouja, Katskhura, Tkibula, Khanistskali, Vaniskali, Crachula and others.
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იმერეთის მდინარეთა ხეობების გეომორფოლოგიური შეფასება [ka]Geomorphological assessment of the Imereti rivers gorges [en]