
Upper Imereti structural plateau - Exodynamical factors
Author: Valery KamkhadzeKeywords: Structural plateau, exodinamics, fragmentation
The mountainous region of Imereti (Plateau), the low and medium-sized relief is fragmented by the frequent network of erosive valleys. The highland is constructed with paleozoic crystalline rocks and is often known as the crystalline plain of Dzir in literature. The fragmented and denuded old phenomenon is covered by horizontal structural mezzo-kineous sedimentary rocks. Due to the geological conditions and relief features, there are two structural and geotankonic stages. The lower level is constructed with old paleozoic and Cambrian crystalline rocks. Granite crystalline shards and more. Cambrian age metamorphic rocks are naked on Dzirula-Chkerimela watershed, they cross pink granites. Paleozoic sediments are represented by porphyry tuffs, breccers and figs. Morphometric indicators of the relief of Imereti highlands are different. Dzirula-Chkherimela and Likhi Range watershed (1300-1500 m) are the highest in height. The western and western part of the highland is 600-800 m high, with a section of the Dumala-Dzirula water division above 900 meters, namely the Corbouli Plateau, which is a small slope. Due to the difference of morphological, geotechnical and morphometric indicators of high relief, two genetic regions are named: Chiatura's structural plateau and the degrading, strongly fragmented phenomenon. On the Chiatura Plateau there are conesy hills that represent the wild-canal lacelles of Perevi and the fourth quarter of Gorzagiri. The relief is well known in the village. Gorazhir's cones near Corobol. The excavation of the Makhathuri landscapes, created by a large limestone circus and a screws made of loose materials. The lakes are either lakes or sutures. The Tepnadzes Lake is worth mentioning. A small plateau of Bazalet-Ghorosh is located in the reliefs built by limestone in the southwest of Dzirula-Chokerimela. On the surface karst fibers are developed, and the plateau edges are karapiania. From the karst caves it is worth mentioning that the Paleolithic people lived there.
Lecture files:
Upper Imereti Structural Plate - Exodynamical factors [en]ზემო იმერეთის სტრუქტურული პლატო - ეგზოდინამიკური ფაქტორები [ka]