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Variability of some epigenetic parameters of the genome by diseases with hereditary predispotion
Author: Tinatin JokhadzeCo-authors: Tamar Buadze, Nikoloz BarataShvili
Keywords: genome, epigenetic parameters, peptide bioregulators
The character of genome modification in patients with colon-rectal cancer, breast cancer and tuberculosis was investigated. The variability of the following epigenetic parameters was studied: chromosomal aberrations, fragile sites and interchromatid exchanges of chromosoms. The studies were carried out in the model system of lymphocyte cultures. As corrective agents, peptide bioregulators were used - livagene and epithalon, and a combination of livagene-cobalt. It is shown that, by the studied pathologies, the variability of all genomic epigenetic parameters is observed. Variability has a specific character and its correction can be influenced by the used protective agents.
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გენომის პარამეტრები [en]გენომის პარამეტრები [ka]