
Thyroid hormones and alterations in lipid spectrum in blood of patients with Thyroid tumors
Author: Nanuli KotrikadzeCo-authors: L. Ramishvili, M.Alibegashvili, T. Samushia
Thyroid diseases are among the commonest endocrine disorders worldwide. Thyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Alteration in lipid profile is a common observation in patients with thyroid dysfunction, but the current knowledge on the relationship between lipids and thyroid hormone levels is insufficient. The effects of TSH on lipid profile have been assumed to be mediated by its effects on thyroid hormones previously. However, there is growing amount of evidence indicating that this association is partially contributed by the direct effect of TSH on lipid profile (especially on triglycerides). The aim of the given study is to determine the relationship between thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) with lipid spectrum in blood of patients with thyroid benign and malignant tumors.