
Determination of Experts' Consensus and Consensus Degree in Group Decision- Making Systems
Author: Julieta GagloshviliKeywords: Group Decision Making System, Operator LOWA, Experts' consensus, Quality of Proximity to Experts.
In the Group Decision-Making systems, which, generally, imply selection of the best out of the alternatives by the group, performance of at least two processes is inevitable: first – determinations of experts’ consensus (agreement) by measuring the level of their approximation and the second – decision-making process, which implies identification of the best out of the given alternatives. Besides, the process of determination of the experts’ consensus shall necessarily precede the decision-making process. It is important that the experts’ final decision be made in the environment of their agreement. Determination of the experts’ consensus, as a rule, is performed before the system starts the decision-making system with experts’ participation.
Lecture files:
Determination of Experts' Consensus and Consensus Degree in Group Decision- Making Systems [en]ჯგუფის მიერ გადაწყვეტილების მიმღებ სისტემებში ექსპერტების კონსენსუსის და სიახლოვის ხარისხის დადგენა [ka]