
Types of hypsometric zonation of Meskhet-Javakheti and comparatively analisys of vegetation (Lesser Caucasus).
Author: Shamil ShetekauriKeywords: Meskhet-Javakheti, Hypsometric zone
Within the study area, the orographic units are characterized by different hypsometric peculiarities. Therefore, several veriations of vegetation zonation can be identified: particularly, 1. Meskheti depression, 2. Erusheti plateau, and 3. Javakheti plateau variations (Fig. 1). The Javakheti Plateau with its steppe, subalpine and alpine as well as subnival vegetation (Abul-Samsari ridge) belts, is quite different from Meskheti. In the mountain steppe belt the grass (Festuca spp., Stipa spp.) and forb steppes dominate. In subalpine and alpine zones there are typologically diverse meadows (forb and grass meadows, brome grass, mat grass, trefoil, feather grass, thistle, hellebore, etc.). In fescue meadows the Aetheopappus pulcherimmus is participated up to the upper line of the alpine belt. The same belt contains the relic forests of the Quarternary period with individual cenoses of shrubland (birch, mountain ash, willow, rhododendron), whose upper limits of distribution go rather high up to Samsari massif. The vegetation of subnival belt consists of the so-called ultraoreophytes of the Quaternary period: the rock and scree flora (Cerastium pseudokasbek, Erysimum krinitzkii, Eunomia rotundifolia, Corydalis emanuelii, Androsace raddeana, Alopecurus dasyanthus).