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Research and development of micro and nano elements and materials
Author: Amiran BibilashviliCo-authors: Z.Jibuti, Z.Kushitashvili
Keywords: memristor, oxide, megnetron, plasma
In this report is considered the route of receiving the memristor based on Hafnium oxides active layer and has been studied different percentage composition of oxygen in the oxides. Has been investigated their volt-faradic and volt-ampheric characteristics and X-ray diffraction analysis of oxides. Comparison with the factor made memristor has been concluded that the received memristor can be used in the nano-devices. It is given the technology of receiving GaN , are studied parameters of GaN for different technological conditions and are shown the possibility of forming p-type GaN. It is shown the electrical-physical parameters of p-GaN. It is used to create diodes and transistors.
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