
Reaction time and operation accuracy measurement and training device
Author: PAVLE TSOTSKOLAURIKeywords: Reaction Time, Operation Accuracy
The goal of report is to represent the result of engineering project “Projection of reaction time and execution accuracy measurement training device”. During this project we created the training device which consists of two modules: - First module measures reaction and operation times of subject started by acoustic stimulation. Operation is performed by aiming and shooting the laser beam to the target. - Second module consists of four optical-electronic channels. Each channel is focused on different zone of concentric target and generates a signal when a laser beam hits this zone. The final result is determined by a logical analyzer. The system is connected to personal computer for data mathematical processing and visualization. The system is prepared for operational testing and will be useful in training sportsmen, as well as the military in the shooting training.
Lecture files:
The goal of report is to represent the result of engineering project “Projection of reaction time and execution accuracy measurement training device”. During this project we created the training devic [en]ექსტრემალურ პირობებში ოპერატორის რეაქციის დროის და ოპერაციის შესრულების სიზუსტის გამზომი ტრენაჟორი [ka]